Saturday, March 2, 2013

Mayor Magistrate

Ha ha! I’ve done it again! Yet another infiltration of Michael’s page!

Today I’ve stolen his most recent sketch. I tore it from his notebook while were having coffee at Baker's Square. He was performing the heroic deed of returning a ketchup bottle that had rolled under our table to it’s proper owner, and I used the distraction to perpetrate my villainous act.

It appears Michael has been thinking about the little people again. As I stare at his masterful rendering, he has inspired me to do the same...

This particular fellow’s name is Mayor Magistrate. Michael originally created him and his cohorts for a story I wrote (see last post), but his illustrations made me want to write something entirely new.

I’ve attempted a couple of drafts, but never completed anything. The idea was that it would be a gnome/fairy soap opera full of inter-species love triangles, broken hearts, deceit, and a town drunk offering sage advice once you deciphered his slurred speech.

Maybe we’ll return to their garden one day.

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